Monday, January 3, 2011

Its a New Year

Another day in Paradise
Scott on yesterdays tour in Silver fork in BCC

Self portrait in grizzly Gutch in LCC...nov 18th

Well things have been a bit crazy for the last few weeks. I have been working way harder than my paycheck says, ski instructors like waiters live of tips. My tips have been more than my paycheck, but I have been skiing on all the good days. I have acculminated over 350,ooo vertical feet at solitude and about 8,000 vertical feet of back-country skiing. UT is my back yard and my playground.
It was weird working on the holidays like I did in Vermont and strangely ok. The days are short as a ski instructor, at least in hours, but long when things are hard. Life can't be bad when you are skiing for a living. I do have my complaints, cold boots, wet gear and not skiing on powder days, but that is only when its busy. When its not I get the whole mountain to myself. So come on out and visit its ski season.


  1. Nice to see you're skiing again, knee must be all healed up.
    Where are you patroling and when can we ride together??
    miss you.

  2. First Picture - Awesome. I think THAT should be your banner on the page... no offense to Scott's cuddle fest. Pretty dang cute.

    Last Picture - Not your prettiest moment... ha!

    That is GREAT that you are skiing as much as you are this winter. It makes up for your season being cut short last year... even if it is with whiny 6 year olds.

    Focus on the awesome moments, you grumpy old man! :)
