Friday, October 15, 2010

Bob Dylan was right

Logan hanging out on the base of a climb at Indian Creek
Me attempting to boulder at Big Bend boulder in Moab. I never made it higher that that move.

So the times they are a changing, says Bob Dylan. And he is right. I have two shifts left at Second Nature and I'm still in limbo about what is next. I have two ski instructor positions I am gunning for and a seasonal warehouse job at Its weird that I have allowed myself to be in limbo. The rational part of me wants to freak out, which I have done already, and the irrational part of me is enjoying the fact that I might struggle for a short time. I want nothing more then to be outside, teach and be on my skis for a living. By living I mean paying my bills, rent and have a little left over for food. It has been a while since I have been a full fledged ski bum.
I have spent 3.5 years at Second Nature and I'm in need of a break. I have spent the last few weekends going on adventures. Just last weekend I went done to Moab last weekend to climb and get away from the big city. It was fun. Bouldering, swimming, hanging out and climbing in Indian Creek for a few days. I got a taste of the "dirtbag" lifestyle and I enjoyed the flavor. We camped out of my truck and get up when we got up and did what we wanted.
When we were in Indian Creek we camped with the rest of the climbers who were there to enjoy the rock. A sea of cars and trucks all ready for camping and "dirt bagging". We all pooled our resources for a potluck style meal, sharing all that we all had, and sleeping till the sun came up to climb before it got hot. We had a fun and relaxing time in the desert.

So I'm writing from my friends house in Park City, I'm dog sitting. Its really fall up here and I'm itching for ski season. If I get the ski instructor jobs I will be asked to alpine again. I haven't done that for about 5 years. I know I'll remember, the muscle memory from the last 20 years will kick in and things will be fine. God just let it snow and snow a bunch, can I put my order in for another 700 inch year???
I got enough money to get by for a few months and I'll looking forward to the challenge of the pay cut. As one of my co-workers said this week, DIRTBAG engaged.
Wish me luck.

1 comment:

  1. The times, they were a changin, but Ron Burgundy had never heard that song...
